Cheap Rolex Replica Gold Daytona 116528 Watch

Regarding Rolex, the two terms “water ghost” and “ghost king” must be the most impressive. Only those who know cheap Rolex replica know that in addition to Water Ghost and Ghost King, Rolex also has a series of watches-Rolex Daytona.

Rolex Water Ghost, Ghost King, and Daytona belong to different series. The meanings they each represent are also different. Wearing other watches will give people different feelings. If you wear a water ghost, people who notice it will think you like classics, and if you wear a Daytona, people will usually think you have more taste.

And there is another significant factor why Daytona can be tied with Ghost King and other series; that is, Daytona has something to do with the word racing. Rolex and the Daytona race connected because Rolex watches were used as race timers. Daytona also uses an unusual movement, and cheap Rolex replica has a model movement for each series. The Daytona series is the 4130 movement, and all the ones starting with 4130 are Daytona. The features remain the same, are durable, and are easy to maintain. Although it is a racing watch, the convention is still the waterproof knob crown, which is waterproof to 100 meters. Except for exceptional diving watches such as the Water Ghost, which are waterproof to 300 meters, Rolex is 100 meters standard.

Rolex 18K gold Daytona, 116528-78598, diamond-engraved white mother-of-pearl dial,

11625 uses an 18K gold ceramic bezel. In addition, the outer ring is engraved with a tachymeter, a significant feature of the watch. The measured average speed can reach 400 miles or kilometers per hour.

Rolex 116528 adopts an 18K gold strap, and the strap is equipped with an oyster safety buckle to prevent the hook from being accidentally opened. The theme is also provided with a cheap Rolex replica patented easy-to-adjust chain link. This extension device can extend the wearer by 5mm, making it more comfortable to wear in various situations.

Daytona imitation watches with a dial diameter of 40mm. It means that a watch is suitable for men to wear, and women will not have any sense of disobedience. It is a watch for both men and women. It is estimated that the designer has fully considered this point when designing. With a diameter of 40mm, it can be regarded as one of the golden ratios watches in many series. After seeing so much, is there any heartbeat? If you feel a heartbeat, that’s right; this is the cheap Rolex replica Daytona.

Case_size:40 MM
Case_material:Yellow Gold
Bracelet_material:Yellow Gold (OysterLock)
Dial_type:Champagne Diamond
Water_resistance:Water Resistant

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